Monday, May 19, 2014

Could there be a pattern emerging here?

Let's take a few steps back from the most recent furor over the government's botched management of the VA's healthcare system. Botched is an unfair way to refer to those dead at the VA's hands. Mismanagement of the VA, that resulted in the deaths of thousands of veterans is criminal negligence.

The essence of these terrible deaths is that people were desperately in need of treatment. Instead they were handed numbers as if they were standing in line at the Department of Motor Vehicles. This should be NO surprise to anyone, this is government.

It is not that there should be NO government. We can't cede military power or police power to individuals. We must use government for these things. However, with the military and with police forces we also must learn to live with the well-documented shortfalls including abuse of power etc. The problem with making government responsible for providing management of healthcare delivery for veterans is...well....veterans don't learn to live with the typical government shortfalls, they learn to die with them.
Anytime you empower government more, you had better expect that all the typical weaknesses will come up. This will usually start with realizing government employees don't serve customers, they punch the clock and kiss up to their supervisors. Accountability is not part of the culture.
Are you still surprised by the horrific botched management stories within the VA? Smell the coffee!! The same thing is going on with K-12 public education. Government-managed education is slowly destroying the nation just as sure as it slowly killed a few thousand vets. The same thing is going on with hundreds of billions of dollars of losses at the U.S. Postal Service. No matter how much of a monopoly the USPS is granted, and how huge the salaries and benefits are, it is never enough.
Want more examples? Check out the results of the government-sponsored management of the housing industry. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac lost trillions of taxpayer dollars. How about the government bailouts of the commercial center banks and General Motors and Chrysler? The government was the enabler of those botched management decisions.
OK, OK, OK. What have we learned recently about avoiding the idea of giving government too much authority? The not much. Obamacare is next in line for VA-like scandals. However, the scale of the disaster will be monumental, right in line with the amount of control we gave bureaucrats over our lives.
The next stupid proposal on the table is also ominous. It seems now that every modern profession on the planet is internet-dependent, the Obama administration wants the government to have the ultimate authority over the internet. You think your computer runs slow way too often now? You think the web goes down too much? Just wait until the government has authority over the internet. They are going to bring the atrocious web-experience of Obamacare to everyone tapping a keyboard or I-pad.
Want plenty less of all of these self-induced calamities? Stop voting for Democrats and throw out any Republican who also thinks government needs more authority over your life.
This is not complicated.

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