Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Fundamental Change

Let's consider that Mr. Obama spent fifteen plus years in Jeremiah Wright's church. Let's consider that the first political assistance he received came from a convicted domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers.

Never scrutinized by the news media or the majority of the electorate, Obama has pretty much done what he said he would do. He said he wanted to "Fundamentally Change America." He has. Here are a few of the major categories where he has make major changes.
Healthcare: We Americans have always had the freedom to choose our health insurance coverage and our doctors. Obamacare, which was marketed as "if you like it you can keep it," turned out to be "if Washington didn't like it you couldn't keep it," instead. He lied. He knew he was lying when he lied. Lying is habit forming. Especially when you never get called on it.
Think about immigration. Virtually every American knows people who came to America from somewhere else and went through the lengthy process of becoming a citizen. Mr. Obama has made a mockery of anyone who is playing by the rules or once played by the rules. Despite taking an oath to do so, Mr. Obama refuses to enforce basic security laws. As a result the U.S. borders have become a disaster. The pressure that is going to be put on taxpayers to fund this mess has not even started yet. The only justification for this breach of trust with the American people seems to be Obama thinks all of these people entering the country illegally will vote for Democrats someday.
How about creating an environment where government employees feel like they can get away with anything. Under Obama the IRS is becoming the most over-reaching wing of an ever-larger federal government. The IRS is now promoting an ever-larger federal government. The agency through tax status delays has punished thousands of persons and groups of people that dare to hold the opinion that the IRS should not have more power. When they get caught they plead the 5th and destroy their email evidence. These actions make Richard Nixon seem like a saint and the Washington Post look like Stalin's state run news agency.
How about the NSA and all of its spying operations on American citizens. Never have some many warrantless searches been performed on what used to be a constitutionally protected citizenry. Even journalists have not been spared. Journalists are so committed to Democrats they don't seem to mind.
How about foreign policy? Mr. Obama reneged on defense systems commitments in Eastern Europe as soon as he took office. A few years later Russia has seized the Crimea and has designs on the rest of Ukraine. The first U.S. Ambassador in more than thirty years was murdered overseas in Libya and the White House concocted an election season lie so that its premise that al Qaeda was defeated would not receive much challenge. The news media doesn't care.
How about race relations? There are more racist accusations being hurled around in America than ever before. If you voted for Obama and now think you made a mistake because of his terrible policies you can expect to be called a racist just like those who already knew his policies would fail. Race relations are not better because America elected a half white half black man. They are worse.
Consider energy and gasoline costs. Your electric bills are headed higher thanks to Obama's efforts to kill the coal industry. Your gasoline bills are going higher because he refuses to admit we need fossil fuels. He does this as he jets off to another fundraiser with celebrities who also jet in for the occasions.
Do you notice a theme? The theme is control by government. Government can do everything better than you can. The fundamental change Mr. Obama is instituting, with the blind eyes of Democrats getting the assist, is that you must comply with more and more things mandated by Washington D.C.
If you resist you will be bullied into submission. America has two chances to reclaim what makes it great, one in November and one two years from November.

1 comment:

  1. It would be interesting to see what the DOJ would do if 50 to 60 million Americans stopped paying their taxes. Then what? Arrest them all? Take their property away? All 60 million Americans? Many armed? Profoundly interesting question.
