Friday, June 6, 2014

Not Dumb Enough

Diane Feinstein and Chris Matthews are furious with the Obama people. They should be furious with Self-aggrandizer in Chief himself. Against the advice of virtually every military adviser he has, Mr. Obama traded five Taliban killers for a deserter who is also accused of treason by members of his own unit. Or put another way, he traded five Taliban killers for a man who had his homecoming celebration cancelled when word got out that just three days before he walked off his base in Afghanistan, Bergdahl emailed his parents the following messages:

 "I am ashamed to be an american."

"The US army is the biggest joke ... It is the army of liars, backstabbers, fools and bullies."

"These people need help, yet what they get is the most conceited country in the world telling them that they are nothing and that they are stupid."

"The horror that is america is disgusting."

According to the White House's D.I. (Designated Imbecile) Susan Rice, Bergdahl served with honor and distinction. Served who with honor and distinction?
How can he do that when he said right before deserting his post that: 

1) he was ashamed to be an American, 2) he believes America is the most conceited country in the world, 3) he accused his colleagues of being liars, backstabbers, fools, and bullies, 4) He thinks America is disgusting.
So let's get back to the larger issue so we can truly have this straight in our minds. Mr. Obama felt it was important to bring a man back to a country he hates. Why? OK forget that question. Consider this; to get this guy back Mr. Obama released five Taliban killers who are likely to be back in Afghanistan soon (or elsewhere) firing shots or using bombs to target other Americans for murder. The upside of that is to get a guy who hates America back home?

How did this man (Obama) become president? How was he given a second term? How dumb does anyone feel who voted for this idiot?
The answer to the last question is: NOT DUMB ENOUGH.

1 comment:

  1. I would imagine a court martial is next. It's time to give this guy his day in court.
