Thursday, June 5, 2014

Going along with lies has to end at some point

In a follow up to the previous post on Democrats getting tired of being treated like they are stupid, it seems that MSNBC's  Chris Matthews has been blasting away at the Obama administration for everything associated with Mr. Obama's decision to trade five Taliban murderers for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.

In recent days as members of Bergdahl's unit have suggested during interviews that he was a deserter and traitor, these brave soldiers have had to deal with the White House’s claim that they are “swift-boating” him. Matthews has had enough. He wants the White House distortion machine to show him, “Where is the dishonesty in the portrayal?” (of Bergdahl)
Of course neither the president nor White House can identify any dishonesty in the words of the soldiers, hence name calling by the White House is being directed towards people who actually are SERVING WITH HONOR. You think the military respects this monster who has been given responsibility by voters to be their commander in chief? Think again.
Not surprisingly, Matthews is still a lone ranger at MSNBC, which is virtually indistinguishable from DNC headquarters. And you can bet Matthews will soon draw the ire of committed Marxist ideologues because he has the temerity to resent the fact that men put in harm's way by Mr. Obama, or at the very least kept in harm's way by Obama, are being branded as evil by their commander in chief.
Again, what is the crime of those who actually knew Bergdahl? They are saying what all of the evidence suggests is true about Bergdahl.
Matthews has picked up on how just how dishonorable it is to blame people risking their lives in Afghanistan for being part of some sort of politically driven right-wing conspiracy when all they are doing is telling the truth.
Matthews, like Senator Diane Feinstein seems to recognize that the White House was lying through its teeth when it tried to make Bergdahl into some sort of hero while playing fellow Democrats for fools.
All of this friction is coming from elements that used to blindly agree with any narrative the White House put out. This friction confirms the idea that finally we have some people who have been carrying the Obama water for six years who realize they are required to be pawns for an increasingly arrogant lying machine. Going along with lies has to end at some point. We may be seeing the beginning of the end.

1 comment:

  1. What exactly does it take for congress to enact impeachment proceedings? I think most of us recognize that a vote to convict in the senate, at this point, would certainly be a vote straight down party lines. However, an impeachment proceeding in the house is needed to clearly identify this lying president's earned legacy for his miserable leadership as "Liar In Chief". When you consider the outright litany of lies spun by this guy and the never ending stream of scandals plaguing this country, it's about time that someone attempt to relieve Americans of the shame and disgrace we've been subjected to these past 6 years. The lies DO rise to the level of impeachable offenses.
