Thursday, June 5, 2014

Five killers for a deserter and a traitor to be named later

There is something strange going on in the country. People are really getting tired of being treated like they are stupid. Most Democrats are pretty miffed about President Obama's decision to swap five Taliban killers for the return of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.

The incident is instructive. When you get away with lying for as long as Mr. Obama has, it not only becomes habit forming, you lie even when the truth would do just as well.

One has to include that the Obama staff and the president himself feel that everything he and they say can get a better political reception if they stir some lies into the mix. Now suddenly leftist reporters are starting to fact check. When you do a little fact checking it is pretty easy to identify a bald-faced liar. Still the beat goes on.
Dozens of soldiers who served with Sgt. Bergdahl have said that not only was he a deserter, but there were signs everywhere that after his capture that he turned traitor and shared sensitive information with the enemy that caused more deaths of U.S. soldiers. Did the White House admit this?
"He served the United States with honor and distinction," declared National Security Adviser Susan Rice on ABC last Sunday. Poor Susan Rice. She is one of only two things. Either she is the most misinformed simpleton in the history of the State Department, or she is the biggest liar to ever work there. Neither of these possibilities will look good on her historical resume.

There seems little doubt that Ms. Rice was sent out to talk to the media about Bergdahl's mythical virtues last Sunday so the White House could claim a sorely needed foreign-policy victory. Ummm. It didn't quite work out that way.
Some people might suggest it was necessary to retrieve Bergdahl, deserter or not, traitor or not. But given the fact that five Taliban killers was the price tag for his release, it would seem that the last thing Mr. Obama should have been doing was congratulating himself on all that he accomplished. Even the Obama worshipping media realized the inappropriate spin on this deal pretty early on.
The White House tried to suggest Bergdahl was in poor health as it tried to justify its football spiking and end zone dance. But Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein, who has been visibly irritated this week, said that in an after-the-fact briefing on the five killers for the return of one deserter trade she, "Heard no evidence that Sgt. Bergdahl was in immediate medical danger that made it necessary to act without consulting Congress." OK so that was a lie to.
Feinstein also disputed claims by the White House that she had been consulted on the swap. "There certainly was time to pick up the phone and call and say 'I know you all had concerns about this, we consulted in the past, we want you to know we have reviewed these negotiations," she said. OK so the consulted Congress claim was a lie also.
Obama, seemingly confident that he can say anything and get away with it claimed in Warsaw that, "This is what happens at the end of wars." Prisoner swaps that is.
And there you have it. We now have the next Obama lie to dissect. The War on Terror is over huh? Does this mean Ambassador Chris Stevens didn't really get killed in Libya on 9-11-12 along with three other Americans? Does this mean the fact that none of their killers have been brought to justice does not matter?

A little closer to home, does this mean I don't have to remove my shoes when I fly next time?
It is strange to watch the relationship the Obama administration has with senior Democratic Party Senators like Diane Feinstein disintegrate. Feinstein reminds me of a perplexed mother who knows her son (Obama) is a compulsive liar. She still loves him, but she can't help but roll her eyes and wonder where she went wrong as he is emboldened more and more by her past enabling and now continues to tell bigger and bigger whoppers every chance he gets.

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