Monday, June 2, 2014

The root causes are right under our noses

You cannot be a Democrat without accepting the idea that socialism (bureaucrats having sweeping powers over the lives of citizens), is basically a good idea. Still most Democrats stiffen when you call them “socialists.” The reason for the stiffening is Democrats are really into “words” and the word, "socialism" has proven throughout history to be consistent with another word. That word is “failure.” Accordingly, Democrats behave like young school girls who prefer to play the game of "dress up." Democrats dress up the concept of socialism by labeling the idea with other words, despite the fact that their guiding philosophy is still nothing but socialism. Obamacare itself is a fancy word for a policy that gives sweeping powers to bureaucrats. Obamacare is socialism.

Just in the past few weeks another government run program has been found to have rotted from the inside out. The VA health care system, which gives sweeping power over life and death situations involving veterans to bureaucrats is rotten.
How do proponents of the failed idea of VA socialism deal with the rot? Along comes Senator Bernie Sanders. Mr. Sanders is actually an honest Democrat because he calls himself a member of the socialist party. Why do we need two names for the same thing?

It seems that Bernie Sanders is confused about the VA Health Care System. He is puzzled because like the rest of us, he has learned that about 1,700 veterans in desperate need of care were "at risk of being lost or forgotten," after being deliberately kept off an official waiting list in Phoenix by bureaucrats.

The rube Sanders says he wants to punish those who have lied and manipulated data. He could start with punishing Bernie Sanders for lying to himself about the history of socialism. How do you know Bernie Sanders is lying to himself? How about this Sanders quote? "We also need to get to the root causes of the problems that have been exposed."

We need to get to the root causes of the exposed problems? That will take all of two seconds.
Poor dumb Bernie, poor neglected veterans, and poor stupid American voters. The root problem is Americans keep giving bureaucrats more and more power over the lives of U.S. citizens. Need a few examples? Why, despite the price of a stamp going through the roof does the U.S. Postal Service continue to lose billions of dollars each year? It is because the bureaucrats at USPS have sweeping powers (and a monopoly) over the lives of citizens. Why do we pour hundreds of billions dollars into the Department of Education and still graduate millions of illiterates each year? It is because the bureaucrats there have sweeping powers (and a monopoly) over the lives of citizens. Why, despite both a Department of Commerce and Labor are businesses taking their profits, potential tax revenue, and labor's jobs overseas? It is because the bureaucrats in those two departments have sweeping powers over the lives of citizens. Why despite a Department of Energy have there been so many unsolved energy problems since its creation? It is because the bureaucrats there have sweeping powers over the lives of citizens. Why are there record numbers of people on welfare and food stamps despite trillions spent to obliterate poverty via bureaucracy? It is because the bureaucrats in Health and Human Services are given sweeping powers over the lives of citizens. Want to talk Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac? How about the bank regulator bureaucrats?

It would be wise to forget what Mr. Obama and/or Senator Bernie Sanders will "say" about what government must do next on the VA. They will simply offer more "words." Does anyone see a pattern here? Let me spell it out.

What bureaucrats always do is a matter of routine. At the Phoenix VA system alone there were over 1,700 veterans left for dead. This has been happening all over the nation. Bureaucrats worked harder at covering up their lack of effort, than they did at making an effort to provide health care services to the vets.

Consider that vets are people we honor at our biggest sporting venues as our heroes. We are reminded to constantly thank our veterans for their service to our country. Most Americans do this every chance we get. We have special holidays to honor vets in May and October every year. And still, bureaucrats given sweeping powers (and a monopoly) over veteran's lives, leave them for dead.

Can you imagine? Can you possibly imagine, considering what sort of pressure bureaucrats are thought to be under when it comes to delivering on sacred promises to veterans, how responsive they will be towards fulfilling sacred promises made to non veterans via Obamacare? You think the botched launch of Obamacare was just a temporary glitch?

Can you guess how long will it be before Bernie Sanders and other like him are pounding the table in front of the microphones and cameras demanding we get to the, “Root causes of the problems that have been exposed,” because Obamacare has left millions for dead?

The answer is not long.

Want to stop giving sweeping powers to bureaucrats? It is pretty simple. Don't vote for any Democrats at any level. Why? They worship bureaucracy. They feign outrage when bureaucracy fails and then they call for more money and responsibilities to be bestowed on bureaucracy. They are destroying the nation.

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