Wednesday, June 18, 2014

When you hit the SEND button, your email record is PERMANENT

Thirteen months ago, when it was first revealed that the IRS was targeting Obama's political opponents to suppress their freedoms of assembly and speech, Mr. Obama called the actions at the IRS "outrageous and unacceptable." Wow those are strong "words." Outrageous and unacceptable eh? Did he mean it. Are you kidding? Of course not. He just needed to say if to deflect attention.

In support of Obama's assertion that the IRS was outrageous and unacceptable, just one week later, IRS supervisor Lois Lerner, when questioned under oath during the initial Congressional investigation, invoked her 5th Amendment rights against self incrimination.
This woman, clearly working in collaboration with higher ups in the Obama administration, and also engaging the FBI in a political fishing expedition still stands accused of violating the most essential constitutional rights Americans have. No wonder Ms. Lerner invoked her right to remain silent. Having to truthfully answer questions about these IRS violations could put her in jail for a long time.
Fast forward this story eight months to a time earlier this year. Mr. Obama had the audacity to blame Fox News for the IRS scandal claiming, “There is not even a smidgen of corruption,” when he was asked about the IRS targeting scandal.
Say what? Apparently things have sort of changed. According to Obama the IRS actions had gone from “outrageous and unacceptable” in mid-May of 2013 to "not a smidgen of corruption" in 2014.

The trouble is nothing changed. The only thing that has happened since he made his first declaration is Lerner took the 5th and now, get this, the IRS claims they have "lost" her emails.

Having known it was going to use "the dog ate Ms. Lerner's emails" excuse months ago, the IRS waited until over the weekend to actually claim all the emails Ms. Lerner sent between 2009 and 2011 had disappeared into thin air.
Everyone knows this is impossible. Everyone knows when you hit the send button on your email account, you just created a traceable and PERMANENT RECORD. Apparently hitting the send button creates a traceable and permanent record for everyone EXCEPT operatives working to re-elect Mr. Obama who take the 5th Amendment because they know they will be charged with criminal acts. In this case, according to the IRS, these records can somehow get magically destroyed.
CNN's John King wasn't buying this latest pack of bald-faced lies over the weekend and nobody else should be buying either. King said that you would have to believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny to believe the IRS cannot come up with copies of those emails. The other thing you would have to believe is that it is OK for Mr. Obama and his operatives to use of government as their personal police force because it might help Democrats obtain more power.

Democrats should be more protective of their own self-respect and more careful how much lawlessness they are willing to go along with while the are holding power. The GOP is watching closely right now. This "anything goes for our side" attitude on the part of Democrats, who normally know the difference between right and wrong, is going to bite them in the ass one day.

The country is never better off when a president and his staff think they can lie and destroy records virtually every day.

1 comment:

  1. A house impeachment committee should begin the process of drawing up articles of impeachment against this president. The house and senate, after the November mid-term elections can vote on the evidence. It was Nixon's illegal use of the IRS that forced Nixon to resign. How is this administration's corrupt behavior any different?
