Thursday, June 19, 2014

Who should we blame?

There are op-ed pieces and editorials everywhere talking about Iraq, Afghanistan, Obama, and Bush. Who's fault are these messes? Is Obama throwing away hard-earned gains? Did Bush blow it when he invaded Iraq? Did Bush blow it when his troops failed to capture Osama bin Laden? Whatever.

Everybody has a different idea and most people make up their minds based on how they lean politically. If they are Democrats everything is the fault of Bush.....everything. Ironically, Bush never blamed 9-11 on his predecessor. He did blame those murders on the perpetrators.
On the other hand, Obama went to Jeremiah Wright's church for sixteen years. In that place everything under the sun including the mass murders by Muslim men on 9-11, were blamed on America. "The chickens were coming home to roost," was Wright's favorite refrain when explaining why America got what it deserved the September day when America was attacked. "Oh Yeas!" and "Uh huhs" were shouted from the Wright congregation and captured on videotapes most news outlets never bothered to show America.
A much more intelligent take on 9-11, Iraq, Afghanistan, bin Laden, and even Guantanamo is to first concede there is nothing new about the threat of radical Islamists to the safety of people all over the world.

Two years before I was born, in Israel in 1954, an Israeli civilian passenger bus was attacked by radicals at the Scorpions Pass in the Negev, resulting in the deaths of eleven passengers. In 1972 eleven Israeli Olympic athletes and one German police officer were killed by radical Islamists. In 1974 Abu Nidal a Muslim killed 88 people with a bomb on a TWA airliner. In 1979 the Mullah government of Iran allowed 52 hostages to be taken by radical Muslims from the U.S. Embassy. In 1983 the United States Embassy was hit by a radical Muslim suicide bomber in Beirut, Lebanon killing 63 people including 18 Americans. Also in 1983, in Beirut, Lebanon 299 American and French servicemen were murdered by "Islamic Jihad." In 1993 the North Tower of the WTC was bombed by Al-Qaeda killing six people and injuring more than a thousand. This is a small sample. There are many more incidents of cold-blooded murder by radical Islam that should leave no doubt Muslim countries are manufacturing an inordinate number of killers.

Still, I can remember Iranian students protesting against Jimmy Carter on the campus of NMSU back in 1979. They were exercising their free speech rights here while on student visas granted to them out of the kindness and generosity (or was it stupidity) of American immigration policies.
Every time I travel out of Las Cruces on the highways I am stopped and questioned by the U.S. Border Patrol. They seem to really care where I AM FROM. Still, each day I see a flood of illegal aliens pouring into the nation and clogging every public service system we have.
No the lesson of 9-11, Iraq, and Afghanistan should have been learned long before 9-11. It is all about people from Muslim nations with education systems teaching hatred of America, (that would include virtually every majority Muslim country in the world). People from these places should ALL BE DENIED ENTRY into our country for any reason. We begin losing lives to terrorists when we do not protect our borders. Anyone running in the Boston Marathon just two years ago knows that.
No doubt maintaining three times the current number of aircraft carriers planes with the ability to laser bomb targets around the clock anywhere in the world would be preferable to mindless ground invasions/occupations overseas. These are always followed by futile attempts to teach foreign populations to stop tolerating bloodthirsty murderers. We spent hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars "training" an Iraqi army that dropped their weapons and ran the first time radical Muslims showed up and fired a few shots.
The recent opening of our borders by this president tells you all you need to know about his commitment to protecting the people he serves. He is doing precisely the opposite of what has to be done.
Security cannot be obtained by sacrificing our young people in the Middle East, it can only be obtained by refusing to provide entry to anyone from any country that embraces hatred of America as a way of life. Let Saudi Arabia and other places like it find other places to educate their American hating sons.
Talking about who's fault Iraq and Afghanistan are is like arguing about who left the barn door open. Close the damn door and start laser bombing anything that looks like a Muslim radical.

1 comment:

  1. Islamic radicals kill more Muslims than anyone else on the planet. I'm hopeful we allow them to kill one another in Iraq. I'm not sure we should support either side.
