Tuesday, May 26, 2015

A family perspective on Oberlin

My cousin Mark and his wife Carla attended their youngest son Luke’s graduation at Oberlin College in Ohio over the weekend. They had the good graces and patience to sit through a commencement speech by one Michelle Obama, despite the fact the First Lady took the opportunity to hold a crass political rally disguised as unbiased advice to yet another group of college grads. 

Mrs. Obama had the sheer audacity to bring up Ferguson, Missouri in her speech and list it as a grievance. And like so many other blind racists, she tried to create a hero out of Michael Brown, a man who committed two violent felonies within a half an hour before his attempt to wrestle away a police officer's firearm led to his own demise. This is par for the course for Mrs. Obama, who has the distinction of writing one of the most absurd thesis papers ever produced at Princeton. (you can read this racially paranoid manifesto for yourself right here)

Mark told me that as they drove home from Ohio, he realized after shelling out ¼ of million dollars for Luke’s education, that Mrs. Obama was simply using her invite to take one final shot at indoctrinating those in attendance to think of people like him and Carla as the “enemy.”

Sadly, Mark and Carla’s experience at Oberlin has mirrored many of our own. Over the years as we have interacted with partisan Democrats, even many of those within our own family who know better, we have been made to feel like because we are business people, we lean towards evil motives.

Whatever we do for others, in the eyes of the vast majority of brainwashed Democrats....it is not enough. And it simply does not matter what multiple our tax bill is versus that of the average American (25, 30, or even 45). We are cast as oppressors. We have actually be labelled as oppressors by devoted Democrats we had opened up our own home to for a couple of months.

During any discussions of what ails America, our questioning of the scourge of government waste is scoffed at by virtually every Democrat. It is inferred that our interest in curbing senseless waste is a result of our bad character, one that is dominated by pronounced selfishness.

These experiences are sobering. After all the years of driving crappy cars, wearing well worn low-priced clothing, eschewing fancy vacations, and cooking 99% of our own meals instead of eating out, we are told that we are the ones who “won the lottery of life.” Apparently being thrifty and saving for the future involves luck instead of self-discipline. Who would have known?

And more generally, we are told that those who occupy the segment of Americans that pays 85% of all the income taxes to support big government, are to be thought of as those who still, somehow, do not pay their “fair share.” In the same breath Democrats believe those Americans who pay nothing, or next to nothing to support government, are somehow over-burdened by the system and being "exploited" by those footing the bill. 

The unmistakable insinuation we get from any discussion of policy with a Democrat is that we did not build our businesses and accordingly could not possibly deserve much of what we have managed to save and grow.

Most of what Mrs. Obama spoke of at Oberlin is not the subject matter worthy of inclusion in a commencement address. Instead, it is part of a sinister con game played by ambitious Democrats all over the country. This First Lady did not encourage and advise young people wisely. She uttered useless nonsense. And she did so without the least bit of fear of rebuke. Most in attendance applauded her ridiculous nonsense instead of shaking their heads in disgust.

What is particularly perplexing about higher education is that truly accomplished women like Condoleeza Rice, a person who accomplished much and harbors no racially paranoid thoughts, has been forcibly prevented from giving commencement speeches by the fascist left in America. Read how the Rutgers faculty treated Rice here.

In the end my cousin Mark and his wife Carla politely listened while Mrs. Obama chastised people who do exactly what they do (support America, pay to educate their children, and reject nonsense).

I let my cousin know I would have not been capable of subjecting myself to a single second of her propaganda, had the situation involved my son's graduation. Suffering fools, especially famous fools, is not a duty I could force myself to embrace. 

Unlike Democrats, who disagree with me, I would NOT have attempted to enlist the Oberlin faculty to advocate Mrs. Obama's censorship........even if I thought that tactic would work. No, had my son attended Oberlin, I would have simply passed on those preposterous proceedings and wondered what I had just paid for.

Kristi and I are much more than tired of being made to feel like an enemy of the state by people who want to con us about race relations. Instead, we admire wonderful people like Condoleeza Rice. We know are not the enemy.......nor is Condee Rice for that matter.

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