Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day?

Kristi and I watch the American Heroes Channel because it serves as a chilling reminder of all the freedoms we have been given through the sacrifices made by others.

For most Americans Memorial Day is just another three-day weekend.

We understand life is about choices. And the choices voters all around the world had prior to WWII, should be ACCURATELY taught to every American. Instead, these facts go ignored. As a result, fewer and fewer Americans understand what was going on in Europe and the Pacific in the 30's and 40's. It is as if that era was too long ago and somehow human nature has changed. It hasn’t.

What happened to the people in countries that allowed governments to become too powerful should be an education staple in America so it never happens here. Instead, fat from living off the excessive generosity of taxpayers, public education has developed other more self-serving objectives. Public education is genuinely disinterested in teaching young Americans how fascism can take a foothold, let alone what happens once it does. The average American is far too ignorant of the realities of life thanks to bad public policies around the world in the 1930’s. The simple truth that free speech was suspended in places like Germany and Italy, as a precursor to Jews and other “undesirable ethnic groups” being rounded up and exterminated, goes unnoticed.

Instead of reminders of what the philosophy of “national socialism” can lead to, several generations of Americans are first taught to be suspicious of all businesses and basic profit motives as inherently evil. They are encouraged to be more trusting of the idea of putting more power in the hands of government, even if this means lost freedoms for everyone.

To be fair, if not charitable, hapless rubes like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are unlikely to lead America into the sort of attitudes that tolerate the butchering of their political enemies. No, it is much more likely that these so-called leaders will simply continue to relentlessly concentrate their efforts on butchering the economic freedoms of America's most productive citizens.

Still, it is vitally important for successive generations of Americans to learn that “socialism” and “national socialism” are blood cousins. Socialism is nothing more than an intellectual tributary that if left unchecked can lead directly into the great policy river that can eventually flood an entire nation and rob it of its free soul. This is a fundamental truth. Note that the first thing socialist policies do are rob people of many basic freedoms.

Memorial Day should be instructive. Once the people in Germany, Japan, and Italy surrendered vast powers over the basic aspects of their lives to government, and vested trust in those seeking more and more power and authority, the floodgates to national destruction were opened.

Signs of a world going wrong all over again are everywhere. Innocent people in the Middle East and in Africa are being slaughtered by the equivalent of 21st Century National Socialists for being Jewish or Christian. In the meantime, those trusted with the responsibility for defending America from evil are instead citing, “climate change” as a grave threat to our country and the world. Mr. Obama cited climate change rather than radical Islamic butchers in a service academy commencement address last week. This is astonishing considering the fact that ISIS continue to behead hundreds if not thousands of Christians.

One would have to conclude as current events unfold that those at the very top of the Democratic Party heap are the dumbest lot of imaginary leaders ever promoted to the precipices of power in America. Or alternatively, these drones embrace a level of outright evil in their hearts that should chill every American to the bone. Let's be nice and assume the former. They aren't evil, just insanely stupid.

Either way we should communicate with our family and friends about these trends. We should pray that in the face of all these signs of evil and intentional ignorance of evil that we do not empower those promoting socialism, under any name, to make all of the same mistakes of the past.

At this stage of American history, the under-educating of ourselves, our loved ones, and our friends about the true meaning of Memorial Day has become a real national crisis that usurps every other challenge we face.

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