Saturday, May 23, 2015

Spread the word

There is no power that can quite measure up to the immense force of well-reasoned ideas. Many months ago I took a hiatus from posting on this site for many reasons. Mainly I stopped posting because it was frustrating to watch my country slowly poisoned by widespread ignorance. While the poisoning continues, today I return to the process because there are too many desperately urgent things at stake for our country in 2016.

We need to address our problems head on by doing what we can to help fix our country. If you are reading this post and agree with my concerns/conclusions I hope you will share a link to this site and this piece with others so that others who trust your judgment can begin to understand the points made and spread the word.

Any reasonable observer realizes the United States took a terrible turn in late 2008 when voters sent a hyper-deceitful, racially-paranoid, and avowed Marxist to the White House. And after four years of utter incompetence with horrible results, America voters rewarded him with a second term.

How could this happen?

There are many reasons. And many are beyond the control of those of us who realize Obama is cancer. For starters, decades ago we lost control of our education system and put it in the hands of people who have been bent on turning it into a political indoctrination machine. Is it any wonder that each year higher education unleashes a fresh batch of college graduates on society populated by a majority who are beyond clueless about basic realities?

Still, America has hope because every four years voters are offered a choice to change directions. In fact every two years we are offered that choice. The GOP sweeps in 2014 suggest that many Americans finally realize that Democrats cannot fix the country because their solution to everything is to put more power in the hands of government.

Unfortunately, fixing our country is like trying to pick up Jello with your hands. If you don’t use a good tool that addresses the nature of the problem, it slips right through your fingers.

Fair enough. What is the nature of the problem and what is the right tool?

The biggest problem America has is that Democrat policies are compounding our problems. The riots in Baltimore illustrate the utter futility of empowering Democrats. An equally perplexing problem is Republicans seem oblivious to the obvious solution.

How do Democrats win national elections? It is simple. They divide and conquer. The Democrat voting block is a coalition that includes hapless elitists who buy into the idea that bigger and bigger government constitutes “compassion” for the poor. Still, this is a small sliver of the population. Where else do they get voters? Mix in millions of Americans that pay zero in income taxes to support the big government Democrats love, and you have a good chance to defeat more sound and logical policy ideas.

In the end Democrats rely most of all on identity politics. They divide Americans by race and gender and essentially do everything they can to make it seem like anyone who is not for giving more power to government is a racist or a sexist. Democrats know that nobody wants to be seen as a racist or a sexist so they stoke the fires of paranoia and engage in character assassination in a never-ending effort to paint Republicans as anti-female white supremacists.

This has been the Democrats playbook for decades. Why does it continue to work? It works because an education system has indoctrinated a huge segment of the population to help it work.

What can Republicans do about this?

Marco Rubio
It is important to realize that imagery is everything. Human beings who have been relentlessly indoctrinated for years, if not decades, see life through ethnic, racial and gender prisms designed by their manipulators. Blacks, Hispanics, and many single women see the world through their ethnic/racial/gender identities. And it will never work for a white man, no matter how well meaning, to convince a minority member or single woman to think fairly of him, when these people have been trained since birth to be distrustful of white men to the point of paranoia.

So what is the GOP to do in the face of this seemingly hopeless situation? First it is important to realize that it is impossible to undo overnight the damage done by an education system that sees political indoctrination as its mission. However, what is not impossible to do is nominate qualified candidates who also happen to be women and or members of minority groups. This tactic by the GOP is the single greatest fear Democrats have and it is also the simplest solution to the GOP election map obstacles.

Let’s survey the GOP field of presidential candidates and look for a person or persons who fit the bill. A quick glance reveals the obvious. Senator Marco Rubio sends fear through the hearts of Democratic strategists who already have detailed plans to paint the “anti-Hispanic label” on the 2016 GOP nominee.

Make no mistake. The nuances of policy differences between a Scott Walker, a Jeb Bush, and/or a Marco Rubio are unremarkable when compared to the importance of short circuiting the coronation of Clinton Inc.

Our experiences in New Mexico do nothing, if they don’t teach us how to get a blue state to elect a slate of Republicans. All you have to do is show them attractive candidates who are Hispanic and female. We know that Hispanic Democrats will crossover in droves to vote for people they see as being like them.

For the GOP winning is not complicated, it is simple. Unfortunately, telling the truth about the simple solution to defeating identity politics is uncomfortable in some circles. To me, keeping power in the hands of people who are sure to continue policies that are destroying America is more uncomfortable than countering the identity politics game. Beat the Democrats at their own game.

Support Marco Rubio and spread the word.

1 comment:

  1. John Kasich is a very popular governor from Ohio. A Kasich/Rubio ticket could conceivably deliver the two states the GOP must win, Ohio and Florida. Well said. Another four years of Marxist policies = another four years of economic despair and media propaganda that somehow the economy has recovered even though true unemployment is in the double digits. I wonder if Clinton, the felon, can overcome the genuine distrust many have for her?
