Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Great Divide

Politicians lie. It’s a profession that rewards liars. Both sides do it. Democrats do it more. Why do Democrats lie more? They have to. Their constituencies and coalitions include the vast majority of the most uneducated and ignorant voters in America.

The problem for the Democrats earlier this month could be summarized by one word, turnout. Why did Democrats lose the turnout game? They rely on identity politics. Democrats are addicted to the anti-white black vote. Mr. Obama is the quintessential expert at cultivating a mindset that not only divides black America away from Republicans, but makes blacks willing to take the time to turn out. 

The problem for Mr. Obama is that the bigger government is always putting blacks farther behind as a group, in terms of prosperity. When Obama regulates heavily, young black citizens can’t find jobs. When Mr. Obama eliminates work requirements for welfare recipients and subsidizes illegitimacy in the black community, more and more blacks slip into poverty.
As Mr. Obama’s policies repeatedly fail America in general and blacks in particular, he is having an increasingly difficult time convincing blacks to turn out and vote for “other” big government Democrats besides himself. It is not that blacks are voting Republican due to Obama’s failures. They have been conditioned by the media, pop culture, and Mr. Obama to never do that. So instead, blacks simply stay home, convinced by their own observations that there is nothing ideological at stake.

Having watched politics in America since the 1960’s I have been stunned at how well and how long dividing America has worked for Democrats. When Dems are not convincing blacks that Republicans hate them, they work on women and convince them the GOP has declared war on them too. Democrats identify groups, arm them with a grievance, Blame the GOP for that grievance, promise to provide reparations when elected. As their failed policies don't work, they remind the voter of the grievance. Their voters must be unhappy and angry for Dems to be successful. Group by group they call for divisive attitudes and suspicion of other Americans.

In the wake of the mid-term election wipe-out Mr. Obama held a press conference. He told reporters he would look for common ground with the new GOP majority in the Senate. It was a lie. At the same time he was acting conciliatory, his staff was quickly developing the next tactic to divide the nation.

It did not take long for Obama to pick a fight sure to keep America unhappy and divided. After saying for six years that immigration laws had to be changed by Congress, a body he completely controlled for two years, Obama decided he could change the laws himself. 

Be clear on this point. Obama has no incentive to fix immigration. He wants immigration to be broken in the hopes that Hispanics will hate Republicans. 

The White House knew that Obama's outrageous and unconstitutional decision (his words) would once again divide the country. Desperate for more turnout that might possibly give Democrats a new leg up, Obama is stoking hatred within this “group.” 

Obama's hope is that frustrated GOP Senate and House members are so disappointed with his attempt at dictatorship they would make statements that could be twisted into an argument for more divisiveness. Obama needs an, “Us minorities versus those white Republicans.

This tactic is of course is not “finding common ground” or “working together on things that both sides agree on.” It is the opposite. 

What is the Democrats plan for the next two years? Same as always.
They will be fomenting suspicions and paranoia group by group. It is simple. The stock and trade of divisiveness. If their coalition is made up of those who have been conditioned to passionately hate white people, and white people who feel guilty about being white. Among Americans who are happy and content, Democrats can’t turn out their vote. 

Democrats want enemies. And make no mistake with Democrats, terrorists aren’t the enemy. Poverty isn’t the enemy. Ignorance isn’t the enemy. Bad schools aren’t the enemy. And poor health care service isn’t the enemy. The enemy is anyone who recognizes their efforts to divide the country and stoke the fires of anger and racial paranoia.

What we are seeing is the most manipulative, cynical, dishonest, and damaging efforts ever perpetrated on the American people in an effort to keep growing the stranglehold of power the federal government has taken over our lives. 

You can expect nothing different when Hillary Clinton tries to seize the spotlight and control of your life. At her core she too knows what the Democratic Party playbook requires. Divide America and convince Democrats somebody (business, whites, high skill earners, doctors, entrepreneurs) are cheating them.

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