Friday, November 21, 2014

Obama just keeps giving us the finger

Anyone who took more than twenty seconds to consider Barack Obama’s long and close association with Jeremiah Wright back in 2008 had to know how truly dangerous he was. Sadly, loyal Democrats love their party more than they do a simple embrace of common sense.

Take a look around you. Jon Gruber, the architect of Obamacare sneers at the American public and tells us that deception and trickery was the key to passing the law. Only Democrats were deceived. Not a single Republican voted for the law under the promise that if we liked our health insurance we could keep it. Speaking of which, Kristi and I had health insurance, which we bought because we liked it. It was cancelled as of December 31st due to Obamacare. Other than Fox News, no other major network sees fit to expose Gruber and Obama for their lies.

Look at our schools and emergency rooms. All over the nation they are overrun with non-English speaking illegals. Millions have refused to follow our immigration laws. Mr. Obama has concluded that neither the illegals nor he are required to obey these laws. By decree from his throne yesterday, Obama essentially set the U.S. Constitution on fire by openly refusing to enforce laws passed by duly elected Congresses and signed by previous presidents. He brazenly violates his oath of office in full view of the public. It seems that now Obama believes he can determine which laws he likes and will enforce. Putin has nothing on this guy.

Sadly, the list goes on and on. The IRS is used on political enemies like the SS was used in Germany. Journalist phones and computers are tapped and snooped on if they dare write unfavorable columns about what is going on in the White House.  

While most of North America is being pummeled by snow and cold not seen since the 1880’s, Obama encourages Democrats to stubbornly refer to global warming (they call it Climate Change now) as if it were gospel. They simply continue to pretend that a warming trend is firmly in place while people are freezing to death. They also act as if it is going to be a catastrophe if we don’t make the energy we use to drive our cars and heat our homes vastly more expensive because it is so warm.

Fortunately all of the networks report the incredible cold temperatures. Hell everybody checks the weather. But somehow only Fox wonders aloud how all of these record freezes square with Mr. Obama’s assertions about the threat of “global warming – climate change.” It is as if all of these deep freezes are not compelling evidence that all their environmental propaganda is simply a pile of intellectual crap.

Earlier this week we saw Palestinians cheer in the streets after the murder of American rabbis in Jerusalem. Mr. Obama, a not very cleverly disguised anti-Semite, routinely chastises Israel, the only democracy in the area that respects human rights. He is mad at the Jews for trying to defend themselves. Obama tries to convince us to embrace a culture where dictators are in charge and the schools teach every child two things; 1. Cheer when Jews are butchered, 2. Hate America.

Perhaps the 2014 mid-terms tell us America is wising up to Mr. Obama. But I know a bunch of Democrats who are just as blinded, uninformed, stubborn, and ignorant about what is happening to America as ever. I think if he detonated a nuclear bomb in Topeka, Kansas millions of Democrats would find a way to justify it or blame it on the GOP. I must say I really hate to be around Democrats when they open their mouths to discuss current affairs. They don't honestly assess reality, they celebrate their incoherence. I just want to get up and leave.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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