Monday, November 17, 2014

Amazing America and some of our elected officials

It would be comical if it just was not so asinine. 

The latest cold spell over most of the nation comes on the heels of one of the harshest, coldest winters in recorded history ...... just last winter. ISIS, the group that Mr. Obama called the “junior varsity” a few weeks ago, beheaded another American over the weekend, after committing unspeakable atrocities earlier in the week.

What do these two events have in common? Ask John Kerry. Kerry, is a former Democratic Party presidential candidate (2004), who is the current Secretary of State. Kerry suggested earlier this year that "global warming" was a bigger threat to humanity than terrorism. 

This begs two questions for people living in areas where record low temperatures are being set two weeks before Thanksgiving. Would you rather see it warm up a little bit? Or would you prefer to know that people are going to continue to get their heads chopped off by ISIS terrorists?

The evidence how stupid this is is unmistakable. Thick sheets of ice are already forming on Lake Superior and it is only mid-November. Repeated arctic blasts of cold air are now threatening to drive American heating bills through the roof with more record cold temperatures. And at the same time, videos are documenting that heads are coming off the necks of Westerners caught by ISIS terrorists in the Middle East.

Let me repeat this. John Kerry is deathly afraid. Deathly afraid that the frigid temperatures blanketing America might................moderate.

There's more. Kristi and I liked our health insurance policy. We made choices of the coverage we wanted and passed on things like maternity coverage. Last month we received notice our policy was going to be cancelled. We also know we are going to have fill out a mountain of forms and pay about twice as much for health insurance next year.

This is the sort of leadership that Democrat voters produce. We hear John Kerry’s thoughts on how bad global warming is compared to terrorism. We hear Mr. Obama’s promises about us being able to keep our health insurance if we like it, and maybe save money doing so. 

Kristi and I didn’t vote for the deliberate liar Obama in 2008 or 2012. And we did not vote for the clueless Kerry in 2004. Yes, we do favor clean air and clean water. But we also drive cars just like progressives who act like they don’t. 

And also like progressives, we don’t like bitterly harsh cold winters. But unlike progressives we don’t pretend the record cold temperature data supports the outrageous catastrophic heat predictions made by the whack jobs in the environmental movement.

If you vote Democrat do yourself a favor. Keep it to yourself when you are around us. It is bad enough to have to shop for health insurance all over again and pay up for it. We just don’t want to know if you are to blame for this kind of crap.

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