Sunday, November 9, 2014

Faces the NAACP won't show

My last post way back in July contained a summary of all my frustrations. On Tuesday November 4th it seems that a few million other Americans, through their votes, expressed many of the same feelings about leadership. The pending departure of Harry Reid as Democracy Disrupter in Chief has inspired me to return to my blog and start writing about my country again.

Mia Love
Kristi and I had an experience recently that encapsulated our views. We both received cancellation notices on our health insurance policies last month. We really liked those policies, but they didn’t conform to Obamacare so we couldn’t keep them. We remember Democrat Senator Tom Udall lying to us saying we could keep our policies. Sadly, New Mexico didn’t give Udall what he deserved or even fire him for his lies, though his brother got shown the door by Colorado voters where more of the population works for a living.

I had to simply laugh at the race-baiters this week; especially those in the NAACP who really want us believe that the GOP is racist. In the wake of the post-election wave there was not a word mentioned of the victories by African Americans Tim Scott in South Carolina and Mia Love in the red state country of Utah. Maybe the NAACP wants us to believe voters did not realize these candidates were black? The big truth the NAACP avoids telling anyone is the African American community has a rich history of profound political intellect. As an avid reader of Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Star Parker etc., I can attest to the incredible wisdom these great thinkers have shared with me over the years. But don’t look for anyone but Fox News to give voice to them. Philosophies that rebuke anti-business sentiments can only be presented at CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, and CBS by white men so that the myth that those views are held only by people of a “certain background” can be perpetuated. We are still being manipulated every day.
Tim Scott

So what happened on Tuesday? Was it an intellectual awakening in America? Don’t bet on it. The bottom line is the Democrats have fabricated a fragile coalition. The Democrats coalition of voters contains the ignorant, the lazy, the race baiters, and the big government opportunists. The problem with a coalition that relies heavily on lazy people is simple. Lazy people are inherently unreliable because they are.........lazy. This year people who are routinely conned by Democrats were too lazy to even vote. Ironically Mr. Obama did say in his press conference that he heard the voices of those who didn’t vote. He's hearing voices? That's a bad sign. I think what it probably means is Obama thinks he can, by divine province, know that even though millions were too lazy to even bother to vote, he still knows what they want, which also happens to be what he wants. Tough to fight that kind of “logic,” especially when facilitating voter fraud is also part of the Democrats strategy.

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