Thursday, July 10, 2014

One last look at facts and lies

Ann and Zia
After this post I am going to try to steer clear of politics on this blog. What is happening in America is so toxic, so poisoning, and so demoralizing, I feel it is best for my health if I try to become less aware of the damage being done to our country.
Apollo and I walk in the desert every morning. We do so with a very nice lady named Ann and her dog Zia. Zia and Apollo are best friends. Unfortunately, despite her many virtues, Ann is a hopeless progressive Democrat. Accordingly, Ann and I decided to lay off politics in our conversations for the sake of pleasantness. Her fondness for big government and my love of freedom simply don't mix.
Monday Ann decided to share with me the fact that she and her husband were actively assisting the flood of illegal aliens in this area over the weekend. Like so many areas near the U.S. - Mexico border, illegals are now overwhelming detention centers. This has happened because in recent weeks, Mr. Obama has ordered the U.S. Border Patrol to stand down and shut up about the ways in which the administration has decided to pick and choose which federal immigration laws it is willing to enforce. Ann and her husband were shuttling people who were captured while sneaking across the border to and from the bus depots and the airport.
Apollo and Zia
Irritated by her matter of fact admission of being an accessory to law breaking, I asked her why Americans were still being stopped at border checkpoints and what would happen if I, like her, decided to "help" some of these people who crossed the border illegally by attempting to transport them through a checkpoint. She did not seem the least bit concerned that Border Patrol officials would arrest me for attempting to smuggle illegals while in effect, the government was allowing smuggling via executive orders and bogus exemptions.
It was actually infuriating that once she understood this was the reason for the flood of people, she still did not care about laws being broken. I wish she had never told me what she had been doing over the weekend.
Border Patrol Detention Center before chaos
As we move into the second half of 2014 we will now see hundreds of thousands of new non-English speaking children stampeding across our borders illegally. Only slowly are Americans beginning to realize that a flood of Third World children will enroll in taxpayer-funded public schools. Not knowing more than a few words of English, the resources diverted, and the resulting bar lowering changes to curriculums will take an even heavier toll on academic achievement.
The new flood of illegal immigrants will also depress the wages of low-income Americans by increasing the supply of unskilled workers. Eventually these immigrants will learn to game our entitlement system putting more pressure on the middle class to share the fruits of their own labors.
Checkpoint for the rest of us

Near the end of my discussion with Ann I let her know that once Americans get comfortable with elected officials making up the laws as they go along, virtually any outcome was possible. Getting comfortable with fascism is an open ended invitation to dictatorship. History has taught us over and over that there is no telling what a dictator will do if given unlimited power.

There is one thing that binds all partisans in politics. They seem quite willing to let their guy in the White House cheat. Naturally, with Ann I did not bring up all of the ways that Richard Nixon corrupted almost every institution of the federal government including the CIA, FBI, Department of Justice and the IRS simply because like Mr. Obama, Nixon wanted to have what he wanted. And for quite awhile in the early 1970's, like Mr. Obama today, Mr. Nixon seemed able to get away with just about anything.
In the footsteps or another liar
Unfortunately for America, Nixon, like Obama, cared very little about the rule of law. And fortunately, eventually the truth about utter corruption does come out. Once the press and then the public finally woke up to the utter corruption of government by Nixon, all of his lies came to the surface. The same thing is happening today with Mr. Obama. Unfortunately freedom loving Americans can forget about anticipating the  impeachment or resignation of this president. They can also forget about prison sentences for his top aides. Unlike John Mitchell who was Nixon's Attorney General, Eric Holder feels no sense of shame. Accordingly he does not resign even after being held in contempt.
Let's explore some of the Obama lies one final time:
The parallels of Holder and Obama's behaviors with those of Nixon and Mitchell are striking.  One of their charges, Lois Lerner of the IRS has been caught lying to Congress after taking the 5th amendment to protect her from providing testimony.
It is obvious Lerner and other high ranking officials coerced the IRS into suppressing political opposition to the White House. Now that the email trail that could be used to convict her of crimes has been magically "lost" Eric Holder refuses to prosecute her. And Mr. Obama, who once feigned outrage at her actions and taking the 5th. His great lie today is he now says "there isn't a shred of evidence of corruption in the Lerner crimes." The ghost of Rosemary Woods must be lurking in the White House.
Things are no better overseas. Six years ago Mr. Obama ridiculed George W. Bush’s policy toward Vladimir Putin with the  nods and winks of millions. Bush was so dumb. Today Putin has used events in Syria and the Ukraine to turn Mr. Obama into a laughing stock amongst our allies. Our enemies have become more emboldened than at any time since the days of Jimmy Carter.  As the world openly destabilizes under the utter withdrawal  of American world leadership, our military faces more budget cutbacks.  The same radical Islamists who killed 3,000 Americans on 9-11 have become more emboldened than ever. Already sick of overseas conflicts, Americans ignored the senseless departure of all peacekeepers from Iraq. It simply never registered with Americans Mr. Obama was issuing an invitation for Islamists to destroy the region. His great lie is that radical Islam is "on the run."
Disarray rules and the lessons of 9-11 have been completely ignored. Iran is on the verge of nuclear capabilities. Iraq and Syria are being partitioned by radical Islam. Egypt is in the hands of a military junta. Russia has seized the Crimea and is fomenting rebellion in the Ukraine.
Still, at every turn Mr. Obama lectures Israel instead of praising it for simply defending itself from rocket attacks. Israel remains the only democracy in the Middle East.
Everyone in the White House and State Department from Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton on down lied to America  about the deaths of four Americans including our Ambassador in Benghazi. Mr. Obama had known who the real terrorist perpetrators were but did not order the capture of any until the political heat of being caught in lies got intense.
In Afghanistan Mr. Obama decided to trade five Taliban terrorist leaders held at Guantanamo for an American-hating deserter. He lied and said the soldier served with honor just as he lied about closing Guantanamo six years ago.
Total corruption almost always begins with seemingly small things. Like a petty thief who gets away with larceny, too many people in America wanted to give Obama the benefit of the doubt as evidence of his utter incompetence emerged. The press has looked the other way as the White House denied monitoring  Associated Press reporters. It seemed like a minor error in judgment hardly worth mentioning instead of a bald-faced lie. Lying about intercepting emails and phone calls of reporters came next. The free press seem unconcerned that its freedom was being curbed.
George Zimmerman after his beating
Like some tin horn dictator from another era, Mr. Obama has been after America's "rich" for his entire career. His explanation for the success of others is nothing short of an appeal to the worst instincts of human beings. He spoon feeds evil labels on successful Americans. His words are designed to provoke the envy of the ignorant. As Obama has attempted to empower government more and more, he has repeatedly lectured payroll-making business people on doing a better job of knowing when they have made enough money. He tries to goad the risk takers in society into denying that they built their own businesses.  He mocks many of the hardest working and most creative individuals in our society with a level of sarcasm unfit any adult let alone the leader of our nation.

The race card is the most favored move of all by Mr. Obama the political bridge player. He referred to his grandmother as a "typical white person." This horrific stereotype went unchallenged. He dared to weigh in on a yet to be tried George Zimmerman by saying Trayvon Martin "looked" like the son he never had. Are we supposed to care what someone looks like? Are jurors supposed to hear that from the president? The public and media yawned at these outrageous statements. What is next? Achtung Juden?

The ways this president has fomented racial discord in America goes on and on. Before the 2012 election he told Hispanics he did not have dictatorial powers to grant amnesty. Then he urged Hispanics to “punish our enemies.” The people yawned and the press ignored the blatant race baiting divisiveness of his incantations. Now he is exercising dictatorial powers to give amnesty to law breakers.

Obamacare was passed under the cover of darkness. The pack of incredible lies employed by Mr. Obama to get the votes necessary to hijack the healthcare system were so shameless you would think more Americans would have cared. "You can keep your health plan, retain your doctor, see your premiums lowered, and get easy access online." Gullible Americans bought all of these blatant lies.
Even today as Obamacare turns out to be an abject failure, the White House refuses to provide the people with facts regarding how many Americans lost their health plans thanks to him. They just keep lying.
The media that once openly lamented Bush deficits that were one-fifth the size of Mr. Obama's $1 trillion deficits, has gone silent over crippling new debt issuances by the Obama administration. He was lying when he said deficit spending was immoral. It was only immoral if Bush did it. He can borrow five times as much and retain his moral superiority. Lies.
The prices of items Americans use every day have soared under Obama. The media says nothing. His war on coal has caused electrical-power rates to go up. Nobody cares. His war against the petroleum industry have done the same for gasoline prices. He lies effectively in these areas too blaming everything but his bad policies for the high costs of fuel.
Food costs have rocketed under Obama despite the fact that wages have stagnated in this perpetual slow growth economy he captains. There are record numbers of Americans not working. Millions more people on food stamps than at any time in history......yawn. Drawing disability payments out of a bankrupt Social Security system has become a cottage industry. Disability applications are an epidemic. Lawyers get paid a commission to game the system.

The contradiction of what the Obama’s do with what they say are stark. Like the Clintons, they trash the so-called 1-percenters. But the Obamas do everything in their power to live just like the 1 percenters do. Michelle Obama takes one multi-million dollar vacation after another, more than any other president's wife in history. Obama plays more golf than all presidents and most retirees too. The Obama kids attend private schools while the Obamas sentence needy children in the D.C. area to a public school system that is an utter failure. They lie to help teacher unions cover their record of failure.
Is America waking up to all of these lies now that the damages caused by this terrible reign of government by fiat are showing up everywhere? Maybe.
Finally, even the Supreme Court said enough to the dictatorial methods of Mr. Obama by striking down appointments he made without the advice and consent of the Senate. The vote was 9-0. To see the four most radical progressive Democrats to ever serve on the high court say enough is enough to Mr. Obama's utter disdain for our constitution is remarkable.
Truth telling anyone?

1 comment:

  1. I can identify with having acquaintances whose political ideology makes them believe they're above the law. We're no longer a nation of laws. We've become a nation in which laws have very little meaning. At some point, violence and bloodshed becomes the only way to reconcile our differences. I'm keeping my guns and silently making myself aware of those in my midst that have such little regard for the "rule of law". When anarchy manifests itself, and this is precisely how it commences, those who so found it so convenient to break laws that contributed to our nation's demise will be held accountable in a very harshly callous manner. THAT'S the nature of anarchy. MIGHT becomes right. Know this, once a president can enforce, write and unilaterally create his own laws absent congressional approval WHAT COMES AROUND GOES AROUND. The democrats will not always occupy the white house. My guess is that when the next republican president is sworn in, within hours a litany of reversing executive orders will be written to undo Mr. Obama's "do-do". New unilateral measures will be taken to reverse the damage he's done to our nation. And when he does, there will be violence perpetrated by progressives. I intend to know WHO THEY ARE and support MY PRESIDENT.
