Monday, July 7, 2014

The biggest sham and scam ever

Remember Al Gore's dire predictions of rising sea levels? Here's an inconvenient truth. Across the entire globe, there are roughly 650,000 MORE square miles of sea ice than there were in 1979. Antarctic sea ice levels are at an all time high. The north pole ice mass increased 60% last winter. This alone easily explains why temperatures were so frigid in the U.S. earlier this year. It may have been the coldest winter ever recorded.

Global temperatures have not risen for eighteen years. The hottest decade ever measured continues to be the 1930's. Cold temperature records were shattered everywhere in 2014.

There is only one inescapable conclusion. Despite hundreds of billions of dollars being given to climatologists to study global warming, their computer predictions continue to be dead wrong. If anything the planet is getting colder.

Late last month we also learned that many people charged with monitoring global temperatures have now resorted to cheating to keep the flow of climate change research cash flowing into their bank accounts. It seems they are now simply "guessing" what global temperatures are. The integrity of temperature data gathered in America is a sham. Many former temperature stations in the U.S. have long since closed. It turns out that perhaps as much as 40 per cent  of temperature data does not come from actual thermometer readings. Even worse yet, according to the Daily Mail, a London newspaper, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has been using their own "temperature estimates" even when perfectly good raw data is available. And of course the NOAA has actually been "adjusting historical records." Naturally, their "change adjustments" have produced a warmer present as well as a colder past in terms of temperatures. They do this so that they can create the impression of warming trends where none exists.
There is a lesson for fact seekers in all of this. So-called activist scientists are not real scientists. They are people with science degrees who are working the easiest political angle to harvest grant dollars. Because they dislike fossil fuel and they do not mind driving up everyone's energy bills. They want to be paid huge sums of money to fight a problem that does not exist.
Those who are opposed to these junk scientists are being ridiculed by people like Mr. Obama and Al Gore every single day. Mr. Obama blamed his bad 2014 economy on cold weather. Then he accused people who actually took note of the colder temperatures he himself being "flat earth-like thinkers" for not also buying into his dire global warming warnings.

Which is it Mr. Obama? Is it colder like you say? Or hotter like you also say?  

In the meantime the vague concept of "climate change" rules each day. The phrase is uttered everywhere in America as if it is incontrovertible fact.

What a scam.

1 comment:

  1. In November the electorate will have an opportunity to vote these scam artists out of office.
