Wednesday, July 2, 2014

High Crimes and Misdemeanors or Treason?

Ever wonder what totalitarianism looks like? It is here in America and taking hold right before our very eyes.

Earlier this week in Oklahoma, a Health and Human Services official actually refused to allow U.S. House of Representatives member Jim Bridenstine to see a federal facility located in his Congressional District. The facility is engaged in illegal conduct. Bridenstine was told he could schedule an appointment and come back on July 21. According to several press reports there could be as many as 1,300 children at the Oklahoma base. In facilities like this one residents are getting free shelter, free medical care, and free room and board. The occupants have been allowed by the Obama administration to cross the U.S. border illegally and remain in our country rather than face deportation as the law requires. There are dozens of other facilities just like the facility in Oklahoma that are overwhelming our Border Patrol keeping agents from.......patrolling the border.
Acting outside of the laws regarding LEGAL immigration, the Obama HHS is actually gradually releasing these unaccompanied minors from foreign countries to what they call a “sponsor” in the United States. There was news just this morning that yet another holding center is opening right here in Las Cruces to house more people who have entered the country illegally.
Despite efforts to gag Border Patrol officers who were hired to enforce border laws, there are reports that up to 70% of the entire Border Patrol force is now working in what amounts to disease infested daycare centers housing people who can best be described as most likely to be Democratic Party voters when they reach the age of 18. Ranchers in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California report a flood of people being allowed to cross the nation's southern border contrary to our federal laws. Many are committing crimes.
What is going on here? There is no other way to put this. The U.S. is now under a brazen dictatorship. The Obama administration, which takes its cue from Mr. Obama himself, is full of people who have taken solemn oaths to faithfully execute their offices in the executive branch of our government. By willfully violating federal laws they have personally sworn to uphold, they are now committing crimes. Don't kid yourself, deliberately not enforcing our laws is a crime.
Why is this happening? Mr. Obama refuses to sit down with other elected officials and negotiate. Because in any negotiation he would be unable to dictate the exact changes he desires in the way of immigration laws (and other laws), he simply believes he can ignore existing laws and make what amounts to his own laws by "executive order." Every other president, beginning with George Washington, understood they were not dictators. This current White House occupant treats the U.S. Constitution like it is a nuisance, not a framework for government. He has decided not just take the law into his own hands, but to deliberately violate any law he disagrees with. His Attorney General Eric Holder is nothing less than a personal agent who also chooses not to enforce laws.
This conduct goes far beyond what would be considered impeachable offenses. Because Mr. Obama seems to like the look and feel of a totalitarian dictatorship, he brazenly invites Congress to sue him if they don't like living under a dictatorship.

What this man is doing to the American legal system, and particularly with his own basic border security duties approaches treason. He should be removed.

1 comment:

  1. There's a growing movement that seeks to impeach the "Liar In Chief". As Obama continues to violate the law and refuse to uphold laws momentum towards impeachment is growing. "We can't wait"...
