Monday, June 30, 2014

To advance fascism they try to destroy the rule of law

Elaine Kagan
You hear the term "rule of law" all of the time. It has been cited hundreds of thousands, if not millions of times as the  primary reason why people all over the world want to immigrate to the United States.

What does the rule of law mean?
What it means is that the words we use to define the rules of our society actually have meaning. In America laws are supposed to be passed in strict accordance with the United States Constitution. They are supposed to enforced equally with regards to all citizens. The Supreme Court is supposed to protect us from charlatans.
Ruth Ginsberg
Most nations have constitutions and they also have laws that are based on fairness and respect for private property. The basic idea behind the rule of law that requires respect for property rights is that anarchy is a very undesirable state for citizens to be subject to. With anarchy there is no rule of law and anyone with the use of force or the threat of the use of force, can simply take away another person's property.
Over the centuries people using government have quite notoriously substituted their own self-serving fascism for anarchy. The process is pretty simple and the patterns are a matter of routine. With a modest dose of fascism present when interpreting the extent of government's power, people can use government as their weapon to impose their wills on others. Conjuring up absurd interpretations of "laws" and effectively creating situations where essentially there are no laws has happened repeatedly throughout human history. Recently it was the pattern in Stalin's Russia, Mao's China, and Hitler's Germany. It happens every day in Venezuela and Cuba in the 21st century.
Sonia Sotomayor
Using force and the threat of the force of government is the way the modern day barbarians take on the role of a marauder while appearing to some to actually be respectable. They are not respectable. Essentially they use vague interpretation to seize the property of others.
American colonials grew tired of seeing the British use government as a battering ram against colonists. It was for this reason that the Bill of Rights was created in America to put a stop to government abuses. The first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution were written specifically to stop ALL future generations of Americans from using the force of government to justify their own subtle forms of barbarism.
Stephen Breyer
Leery of ever-ambitious tyrants, American began as a nation based strictly on the rule of law. And it is perhaps a great irony and fantastic example of self-evidence that in 1791 the big U.S. government (it was smaller back then), actually used an absurd interpretation of the Bill of Rights, so it could allow slavery to continue. Slavery is perhaps the greatest example of how easily the rule of law can be perverted by fascist "interpretation," so that people can be denied the fruit of their own labors.
Fascism isn't frowned upon in America anymore. If it were Democrats would lose instead of winning. No, fascism is alive and well. As you have read through this column I have attached photographs of people who have the power and the pre-disposition to pervert the rule of law in America. These four Supreme Court justices are all fascists. None of these people ever saw a freedom that is specifically protected by the Bill of Rights that they wouldn't be willing to usurp to advance the cause of socialism.
At its core, socialism is the ultimate use of force to seize people's personal property. This week each of these four judges tried to violate the basic tenants of America's religious freedom. They thought it was OK because the government was confiscating property to pay for services received by others in direct contradiction to the religion of those having their property seized. This is a fascist perversion that justifies the destruction of the rule of law ...... period. They almost got away with it. One more appointee by Obama and they will get away with it.

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