Friday, June 27, 2014

Tired of racism? No worries "sexisim" is in the on deck circle

It's a beautiful thing being a Clinton. Remember when Bill wagged his index finger at America with piercing eyes and told us, "I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky?" Of course you do. Later, after it was obvious that not only had Bill lied to the American public it also became clear that he had also tampered with witnesses suggesting they lie under oath. Bill also perjured himself under oath. In fact, so egregious were his lies under oath he was effectively disbarred, meaning his ethical conduct was beneath the minimum required of lawyers. That is not a high bar, no pun intended.
I remember of a particular family member who never met a Democrat he would not vote for. He was finally lamenting the way Clinton had been caught lying so emphatically and so easily.
"I'm not defending that son of a bitch anymore," he said at a family gathering while shaking his head.
Kristi and I looked at each other and smirked. We could not wait to see how long that pledge held up. Two weeks later at the next family get together, he was defending Clinton just as emphatically as Clinton had lied.
Now comes Hillary Clinton. When her husband was the governor of Arkansas she was the queen of the crony capitalists. She actually landed a lucrative seat on the Wal-Mart board thanks to the fact her hubby was the guv. Hillary was trying to do Obamacare in the 1990's. Fortunately for her, Congress put a stop to that crap. Of course when trying to win the hardcore progressive voter in the 2008 presidential primary, Hillary stuck the company that paid her millions in board member fees in the back with a stiletto. Loyalty is not Hillary's strong suit. Still, Hill has been riding the coat tails of her husband for decades. She is loyal to her ambition even if it means making excuses for a philandering husband with a fetish for large breasted young chicks.
Her floating ethical standards are legendary. She watched Bill play the race card against Republican opponents in contest after contest. In doing so the Clintons were conning black voters by playing on irrational fears. When Barack Obama beat Hillary in 2008 playing the race card, amazingly she wanted the media to call a personal foul on Obama. Bill was livid too.
Ms. Clinton is the master of being a smart lady without knowing anything when it is convenient to plead ignorance. As Secretary of State she was required by law to personally sign off on security issues at embassies. Still she has gotten away with making repeated public statements that she had nothing to do with the failure to respond to call for additional security at Benghazi. That was someone else's responsibility no matter what the law says.
On her most recent book tour we got a glimpse of what 2016 will be like. Bill and Hillary owned two houses when they left the White House. How many houses do you own? They are estimated to be worth well over $100 million. How much are you worth? Hillary has ridden in limousines rather than drive herself around for more than 20 years. How often do you ride in a limousine? Hillary gets paid $225,000 to make forty minute speeches. How much do you make to give a talk? But according to Hill, her and Bill were "dead broke" when he left office and they are not "truly well off" even now, like some. It sounds like Hillary really has a firm grasp on the income inequality angle the Democrats are sure to be pushing for the next two years, How else can they promote the socialism that creates lower living standards.
Finally, if you are tired of "racial prejudice" being the Democrats and American media's explanation for EVERYTHING that Barack, Michelle, and Eric Holder need to fix, there is hope. Hillary Clinton is not so subtly rolling out a "new" theme. The new theme is going to be "gender prejudice." Get prepared over the next two and a half years to learn all about why women have it so bad because of white men.
You may ask how can a woman who makes $225,000 a speech, who has not driven herself anywhere in 22 years, claim that life is tougher on her than on any white man? It is actually pretty easy. The Clinton's helped lay the ground work for their con game. The public education system they have given more to, only to see it achieve less, has been brainwashing Americans to believe anything the Clintons say for the last twenty-three years.
It's a beautiful thing being a Clinton. Chelsea got paid $600,000 by CBS to pretty much do nothing. Now Chelsea claims she does not "care about money." Good for you Chelsea. You are so special!

From this we can deduce that lying is now a family thing. Hillary has clearly learned to lie just about as well as Bill. And it won't be long before Hillary realizes that any progressive who says he or she will never defend her again for lying too.

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