Sunday, June 7, 2015

Hillary needs voter fraud

Watching how the media lets Hillary Clinton operate is infuriating. If you haven’t figured it out yet, know this, Hillary is not a nice person. Several important books have been written by people around her documenting what a vicious and nasty human being she actually is.

The late William Safire said it well when he labelled her a “congenital liar.” He knew that today’s Democrat front runner was the biggest phony on the planet decades ago.

How a person can get so much help lying from the media is astounding. Instead of being held to a reasonable standard, Hillary is allowed to simply tell bald-faced lies about why she destroyed her emails.

After hiding from the press for a few weeks, all but the Fox journalists have given up. They don’t even bother to ask her why she does not tell the truth. The lack of inquiry regarding Clinton foundation fundraising is equally astonishing. This organization is a shakedown operation of epic proportions.

After being given a pass Hillary seems to have chosen this weekend to renew the scam her party runs on minorities during every election cycle. With a straight face, Hillary suggests that simply requiring an ID before you can cast a vote is anti-minority. The fact that everyone has to have an ID to attend one of her shamelessly staged political charades never occurs to her or any reporter that follows her.

The truth is, Hillary needs voter fraud to be allowed, and she needs it desperately. She knows she is going to need a massive boost from fraudulent votes in the inner cities, if she is to win the presidency. To pull this off she is going to need blatant cheating in mostly black and Hispanic precincts. She is counting on people who live in a culture of crime to commit voter fraud on a gigantic scale. To accomplish this she has to make sure that blacks and Hispanics stay suspicious of any change a Republican might bring to their lives including suggesting somehow present an ID before being allowed to cancel someone else's vote.

It has been apparent for a long time that the only way for Democrats to win is to divide America based on race and income. Obama and Co. have been doing this for seven years and the Clinton’s will need to do it also to get themselves back in the White House.

The way to stop this nonsense is for the GOP to nominate Marco Rubio and Ben Carson. One has to wonder if Republicans are smart enough to see the easy path to victory. I have my doubts. They have not figured out how the race card works yet.

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