Thursday, June 18, 2015

The pope

At one time the Spence’s were about as traditional Catholic as you could get. 

My aunt Totsie did a family tree search a few decades back and discovered that we descend from the first U.S. Senator from the state of Maryland John Spence. The state was founded and populated by Catholics escaping from protestant England. And the Spences actually trace back to the Stuart monarch line of Scotland. These were Catholics that threatened to encroach on the monarchy of England (Mary Queen of Scots). 

To be sure those Stuart Catholics got crosswise with Queen Elizabeth, mostly for being Catholic.

A couple of centuries later it was our great uncle the bishop John Spence who headed the Washington D.C. diocese at the time of JFK’s assassination.

Ummm.  Things have changed.

Fast forward to 2015 and witness why the Catholic Church is in free fall. Most Spences have long since dumped the Catholic Church. Some remain as what I call "pretend Catholics." They claim to be Catholics but are not. 

Lately it seems that this latest new pope has chosen to forget to remove the plank from the Catholic Church’s own eye. While several dozen priests (if not more) have been caught in recent times having a bit of a penchant for fondling and abusing little boys, this pope has decided that this issue is not an urgent concern. Instead, and  despite the fact that an army of trial lawyers has been raiding the collection plates and making off with huge awards as a result of the celibacy driven proclivities of priest recruits, the pope has other priorities. Yep, this pope has decided that sexual abuse is not nearly as big a problem as get this…….CLIMATE CHANGE. 

Despite the fact that there has been a cooling trend in global temperatures for the last seventeen years, the pope figures that global warning is worthy of comment because, get this.....wealthy countries (and not corrupt politicians) have been the problem with the “exploitation” of the poor. 

The pope is a Marxist.

I find it really too bad that I walked away from the asinine nonsense going on in the Catholic Church decades ago. It would be such a pleasure to do it RIGHT NOW! 

Sorry your eminence or whatever you go by. You are a gullible schmuck. Infallibility…..I think not.

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