Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Let's Pretend revisited

Let’s Pretend. It’s the national past time and everyone is playing. The only thing we play with more is our smart phones.

Consider all of the things Americans pretend about. Let’s start with the Barack Obama/Hillary Clinton foreign policies. Let’s pretend it would be “wise” to make an agreement with Iran because the mullahs there will honor it while the entire Iranian parliament chants “Death to America” on television. Any parliament that does that has to be trustworthy right? Good idea. Let’s pretend that is true.

How about radical Islam? Let’s pretend ISIS is actually a terrorist “junior varsity team” like Obama said, so that naïve Americans will still think this president has a handle on the war on terror. Forget about the mass rapes and be-headings. What’s a few hundred rapes and be-headings among friends? It just all in good fun right?

Let’s pretend the attacks on the American Embassy in Libya, which killed the American Ambassador and three other Americans, were the result of a spontaneous reaction to an anti-Muslim video. We can do that instead of admitting the truth, which is that it was a planned attack that Hillary Clinton’s State Department had been warned about well in advance. Let's pretend she did something to send help when her people were begging for help.

Let’s pretend Obama and Hillary care about human rights. We can do this while they demonize the only nation in the Middle East that holds free and fair elections (Israel).

Let's pretend I'm about to hit this straight
Let’s pretend socialism is working in Europe. We need to pretend this so we can advance more socialist policies here. Who cares if they don’t work? They give more power to Obama and Hillary. To that end let’s pretend state run health care works well overseas and is running smooth in America. If we pretend this, Obama can continue to grab more power for the federal government here and control our lives in ways that would have been unimaginable just a year or two ago. Hillary can follow through with more of the same.

What else can we pretend about? Let’s pretend Obama really believed George Bush was immoral for borrowing half of what Obama borrowed when he got control of the borrowing power of the federal government.

Let’s pretend Eric Holder wasn’t held in contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with subpoenas regarding the Fast and Furious gun running scandal. We can also pretend that under Holder’s watch the ATF did NOT put weapons in the hands of Mexican drug cartels that eventually were used to murder Americans.

Let’s pretend Obama is not going to ruin internet service quality by taking control of it.

Let’s pretend Obama’s private security force (the IRS) didn’t suppress freedom of speech through delays in approving 501-C-3 status to those thought to be not likely to help get out the vote for Obama. We can pretend this is not third world country-like oppression and Lois Lerner taking the 5th and trying to destroy her emails was no big deal.

Let’s pretend that Hillary Clinton did not obstruct justice when she broke the law by destroying her emails. Let’s pretend if she wins it will not be a third Obama term with more scandals, more corruption, and more donations from the most sinister collection of influence purchasers and grafters to ever populate Washington D.C.

Let’s pretend with all of the gains made by gays and socialists that they still need to tolerate slime bags because there are still more important things than requiring people in the White House to conduct themselves with more integrity.

Pretending is so much fun!

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