Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Delivering a "eulogy"

If you want to grasp pure unadulterated evil explore the racist massacre of nine black worshippers at a Charleston, S.C. church last month. The victims had, as good Christians always do, welcomed the murderer to their bible study. They sat with him for nearly an hour before he started shooting them.

If you want to grasp pure unadulterated manipulation and crass psychological warfare on the America, simply examine what Mr. Obama did during a eulogy to try to tie the killer, not to every other murderous kook out there, but to all of white America.
Obama warned about “us” (using "us" he meant whites) about other manifestations of “our” potentially lethal racism. He dared to suggest once we white people “realize” how we are “infected” with bias we are, we will start “guarding against not just racial slurs, but . . . also . . . against the subtle impulse to call Johnny back for an interview but not Jamal. He wants people who think voter fraud is bad to search our hearts when we consider laws to make it harder for some of our fellow citizens to vote.” For Obama to suggest that someone seeking to strengthen vote-integrity rules needs to “search his heart” for complicity in the South Carolina massacre is an atrocity in itself.

Obama’s lies which he dared utter at a eulogy of all places, were so preposterous they should have been an embarrassment to everyone. They weren't.

Here is a dose of truth that would have also been inappropriate at a eulogy. In the real world where racially paranoid blacks don't live, every university, corporation, law firm, bank, foundation, newsroom, and research lab, would give its left arm for a new qualified black employee simply because it is an enormous advantage to be able to trot out the diversity credentials. This is a huge advantage for any black job applicant.

This pathologically evil man went much farther at this eulogy. “Perhaps this tragedy causes us to ask some tough questions about how we can permit so many of our children to languish in poverty, or attend dilapidated schools, or grow up without prospects for a job or for a career,” he said.
Obama failed to mention that he sends his children to posh private schools while fighting for the status quo in public schools. His union buddies continue to funnel cash to his campaigns and he continues to fight true reform of the education system that screws black kids.
Make no mistake Obama's “we”, the ones he charges with allowing, “So many of our children to languish in poverty” and “attend dilapidated schools” are white people.

Obama never bothers to mention the fact that whites have willingly shelled out trillions of hard-earned money to wipe out black poverty using the failed Democrat blueprint.

Here are more facts that would also have been inappropriate to mention at any eulogy. The primary reason why children grow up in poverty “in 2015” is that they are being raised by single parents. Children with no father at home are between four and five times more likely to be poor as the children of married parents, whether they are black or white.

What Obama will not tell anyone, even at a eulogy, is that 72 percent of black children are born to single mothers and this is nearly three times the white out-of-wedlock birthrate.
Escaping poverty as an adult has nothing to do with race. Blacks who graduate from high school, wait until they are married to have children, and work full-time, lift themselves out of poverty. Whites who do not do these things are just as likely to be poor as blacks who don't do so either. Only 2 percent of individuals who follow those simple rules are in poverty.

Obama used the murder of an innocent man as a great chance to criticize “us” (again he means whites) for “permitting” so many children to grow up “without prospects for a job or a career.” He also insinuated that the South Carolina massacre is not unique when it is in fact incredibly rare. The truth is white violence against blacks is a tiny fraction of what black on white violence is.

Here are some statistics that are also not appropriate to cite at any eulogy. In 2012, blacks committed 560,600 acts of violence against whites (excluding homicide), and whites committed 99,403 acts of violence (excluding homicide) against blacks, according to data from the National Crime Victimization Survey. Think about it. Blacks committed 85 percent of the non-homicide interracial crimes of violence between blacks and whites, even though they are less than 13 percent of the entire population. This is astonishing.

When it comes to the crime of murder, the statistics are no better. Blacks commit homicide at close to eight times the rate of whites and Hispanics combined. Among males between the ages of 14 and 17, the interracial homicide commission gap is nearly tenfold.

How sad it is that a man who presented himself as a uniter of people and one who wanted to move beyond skin color has done precisely the opposite. He is a man who bases his entire existence on convincing blacks they are victims of whites. He tries to make whites feel that if they are not socialists, they are evil.

Obama is clearly the sorriest excuse for a leader to ever cast a shadow on Washington D.C. Hillary is on deck for a third Obama term. Stop the insanity that has taken over the Democratic Party.

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