Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The slavery con

You watch Mr. Obama and Hillary Clinton and you can see right away that the old "slavery con" is a trick that just keeps working. It works so well that 96% of the black vote still goes to Democrats. Of course the turnout varies. When a black man is working the slavery con turnout is high. It is doubtful whether or not Hillary will be as good a trickster with the sleight of hand as Obama has been. He is a gifted con artist.

Why is legacy of slavery such a noteworthy con? It is simply a historical fact. For thousands of years slavery was practiced around the world by people of virtually every race. Slavery is not a burden only borne by black people. The leading moral and religious thinkers in virtually all societies accepted slavery for thousands of years. Almost everyone has an ancestor who was a slave. Slavery was commonplace in Africa, Asia, and even in pre-Columbus North America. 

Finally, tiny segments of England and American populations, primarily Evangelical Christians, began to condemn slavery. Yep, the same Evangelical Christians who get demonized in 2015 for being "bigots."

Slavery ended in the United States as more than 500,000 white men gave their lives during the Civil War. It cost nearly one white life for every six slaves freed.

Mr. Obama and Hillary Clinton rub the "legacy of slavery" con all over the electorate every chance they get. It is served up as guilt on the white population for all of the social problems in black American communities despite the fact that it has been many generations since slavery ended.

Think about the so-called war on poverty and the conditions in the black communities before the Democrats introduced big government into the policy equation fifty years ago. In 1960, 22 percent of all black children were raised with only one parent. Just thirty years later, after Democrats made government the keepers of black families instead of their dads, two-thirds of black children were being raised without a father present.

The big government is required because of the legacy of slavery con has been a social disaster. For the first 100 years after slavery there were no ghetto riots or abominable black-on-black crime rates. Murder rates in black communities where not epidemics. A much higher percentage of black people worked instead of adopting increasingly higher levels of welfare dependency.

Jesse Jackson and the poverty pimps like him might see the 1960's as the glory days, but the results of his demands suggest financial and ego investment are the reasons why he wants to continue with more money thrown at the same policies. Only people like Jackson and Al Sharpton benefit from the con job.

Sadly, the victims of Democrat policies are the decent, law-abiding members of black communities who see their children robbed or murdered by other blacks. Unfortunately, these same people keep voting for Democrats thanks to the slavery con. 

It works every time.

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