Thursday, July 9, 2015


There are many very interesting things going on these days. Greece and Puerto Rico are buried in debt and on the verge of bankruptcy. And California, which has chased thousands of viable companies out of the state with its heavy taxes and regulations (the same policies that have destroyed Greece and Puerto Rico), is not too far behind.

So we wake up to our morning read of the newspapers today and low and behold, what was at the forefront of Governor Jerry Brown’s mind yesterday? Is he finally going to propose some pro-growth reforms to make California something besides a laughing stock to anyone with both eyes on competitiveness? Nope.

After two days of hanging out with a collection of green scheme opportunists and politicians, Brown emerged from yet another “climate-change conference” with fresh words of rebuke for what he called the “troglodytes” who deny the threat of global warming (recently re-branded as climate change).

It seems that despite the fact that the last two winters have produced astonishingly cold temperatures in most areas of the country and thousands of freeze deaths in places like London, Brown said, “Addressing climate change requires reckoning with things that have made life comfortable for billions of people. “All aspects of modern life must be scrutinized to save the planet,” he said. 

Or maybe now that we are having harsh winters again we could put on a sweater? OK, I'm just asking.

Fair enough for Moonbeam. What do the notable troglodytes have to say?

Let's examine the latest thoughts on subject by Nobel Laureate Ivar Giaever, a man who supported President Obama in his first presidential campaign. Apparently, Giaver resents the way scientists on the receiving end of billions in grants have quashed legitimate academic papers refuting the idea that the planet is warming. He says people like Jerry Brown and Barack Obama are, “Dead wrong” on global warming.

Earlier this month in Germany Giaever, a brilliant scientist who won the 1973 Nobel Prize in Physics, openly challenged Mr. Obama’s dramatically alarmist rhetoric on global warming. Is this new news? Not really. It just goes unreported. There are in fact troglodyte deniers everywhere.

For several years now the data has clearly been contradicting the narrative favored by the climate change-global warming opportunists. And all of the dire predictions from a couple of decades ago on sea levels etc. have proven to be false. So false that in 2011, Giaever left the American Physical Society because it officially stated that, “The evidence is incontrovertible that global warming is occurring.” Apparently the evidence is in fact controvertible.....very controvertible.

“I say this to Obama: Excuse me, Mr. President, but you’re wrong. Dead wrong,” Giaever said ealier this month. Giaever added that he was “horrified” about the science surrounding global warming when he conducted research on the subject in 2012.

“I would say that basically global warming is a non-problem,” Giaever concluded.

Giaever went on to ridicule Obama for stating that, “No challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change.” The physicist called it a “ridiculous statement” and that Obama “gets bad advice” when it comes to global warming.

“Global warming really has become a new religion,” Giaever said, “Because you cannot discuss it. It’s not proper. It is like the Catholic Church.”

Giaever points to the fact that there’s been no global warming for the last 17 years or so (based on satellite records). He says, “Weather hasn’t gotten more extreme and global temperatures have only slightly risen — and that’s based on data being “fiddled” with by scientists.

“When you have a theory and the theory does not agree with the experiment then you have to cut out the theory. You were wrong with the theory,” Giaever said.

Not so fast Nobel Laureate. There are billions in grants and millions of votes at stake here. Therefore, you must be a troglodyte.

I guess I'm a troglodyte too. Apparently anyone who stops listening to Chicken Little is a troglodyte.
Of course California is led by Brown a man who is no troglodyte or caveman........nope, he's Moonbeam.

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